Two Decades of Quality Deck Building

Will Adding a Deck Increase My Home’s Resale Value?

Will Adding a Deck Increase My Home’s Resale Value?

happy man enjoying a drink on a deck outside his home

In the current property market, getting an excellent price for your house can be a challenge. As a homeowner, you will want to do everything you can to sell your home and add value to every square foot. However, there may be one area you have yet to consider: did you know that a deck increases resale value by up to 82%

Here at Dupont Decks, we know a thing or two about building a deck. Give us a call and we’ll answer all your questions. Still need convincing? Read on for everything you need to know…

Deck Increases Resale Value: The Reasons

Of all the home improvement projects you can do, building a deck or patio onto your home is a great option. Adding a wood deck increases resale value by offering a number of advantages to potential buyers. These can include:

Added Outdoor Space

A deck addition is a great chance to make the most of your available outside space and allows you to make the most of your home. Decks can become a dedicated entertaining area, a space to enjoy the great outdoors, or a platform to show off your potted plants. No matter your motives, a deck is a way to extend your living space — perfect for family life.

Low Cost

A deck increases resale value: but at what expense? Deck costs are a common concern for many homeowners, but they can be more affordable than you have originally anticipated. 

While there are expensive decks on the market, a mid-range option will do the job just as well. As a bonus, most homeowners find that the value of their house increases with the addition. 


Fast & Easy

Any deck add has the added advantage of being fast and easy to set up. Compared to other home improvements, decks can be up and ready to go in next to no time, making this an easy way to boost value.

What Are The Types Of Deck?

There are two main types of decks available: wood and composite. We know that a deck increases resale value, but which offers the best value for money?

Wood Decks

Wood offers the best return on your investment if we look purely at resale value, as wood decks are so much cheaper. The lower cost of the material means that the project is more affordable, which can boost your profit when you sell. They are fast, effective, and mean you can move as soon as the project is complete.

On the downside, wood decks are at higher risk of degradation thanks to adverse weather and extreme temperatures. They are unable to withstand harsh elements such as snow or damp. As a result, they require a higher maintenance level and upkeep to keep them looking good and stable.

Lower resilience also means that wood may not be suitable for homeowners in snow-heavy states such as Minnesota or the Dakotas. Even the best treatment in the world is unlikely to hold against the severe winters of these regions.


Composite Decks

Composite decks come at a higher price than their wooden counterparts. The average cost comes in at around $17,000, compared to $10,000 for a wooden deck. As a deck increases resale value, you need to ensure that the investment is worth it.

However, a composite deck has advantages: namely, it tends to be higher quality and more durable than a wooden deck. As a result, a composite deck will be able to withstand even tough elements and should last the test of time.

Composite decking is designed to survive extreme weather conditions, including rain, snow, weather, wind, and extreme hot or cold. 

The material requires less ongoing maintenance than its wooden counterpart, and will only need occasional cleaning. This is advantageous to homeowners; you can install the deck and enjoy it for many years before deciding to sell up. 

As a bonus, you can spend your time enjoying the deck, rather than continually maintaining and cleaning it.

So How Do I Pick a Deck?

There are a number of factors that will impact the type of deck you ultimately choose to add onto your home. While we know that adding a deck increases resale value, how do you know which to pick? 

As a rule, the choice depends on a number of elements. Where do you live, when do you want to move, what budget do you have available, how much time do you wish to spend on maintenance? Here are some of the key factors in your decision:


If you live in a state which mainly snows, hails, or rains, you may not be inclined to celebrate the great outdoors. However, other states enjoy year-round good weather and stunning scenes — why not enjoy them from the comfort of your own deck? 

Homeowners in California, Texas, Arizona, and Hawaii will find that a deck adds significant resale value, as it can be used year-round.

Location will also impact the material you choose; as we mentioned, wood can come with issues for colder, damper climates.


There are pros and cons for both wood and composite, but the decision ultimately depends on two factors: where you live and how much time you have. Composite decks are easy and low-maintenance, suitable for homes in all temperatures and weathers, and almost totally hassle-free. They do, however, come with a higher price tag.

Wood allows you to spend less money but will require a little more time, effort, and energy in terms of upkeep and maintenance. A wood deck will need to be treated and cleaned to stay looking smart and it may have reduced longevity. It can, however, offer a bigger profit when you choose to sell.

When Do You Want To Move?

We have seen the ways in which a deck increases resale value, but this can be dependent on your timeline. The initial investment you decide to make may be impacted by how long you will enjoy the deck for. 

It makes little sense to spend $10,000 on the deck, to only recoup $8000 when you sell. If a fast sale is in the cards, it makes more sense to add a smaller, cheaper deck. This quicker turnaround allows you to both appeal to buyers and still minimize costs. 

If, however, you are not in a rush to move, why not splash the cash and craft something you will enjoy?


DIY or Outsource?

If you are confident with crafting, you can cut some serious corners by creating your own deck. This shortcut can allow you to use more expensive materials while still keeping costs low. 

You will need to acquire specific permits and ensure that your final project meets strict safety standards, so don’t jump into this without doing your research.

Alternatively, you could save yourself a headache by leaving it to the pros. Confident that adding even a small deck increases resale value? Let Dupont Decks help. 

Save time and effort, and boost your resale value today! Reach out to Dupont Decks for expert service and a free estimate.



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