Two Decades of Quality Deck Building

5 Tips for Fixing Splintered Decks

5 Tips for Fixing Splintered Decks

Old Wooden Planks with splintered decks

Is your wooden deck starting to get splintered and in dire need of repair? Besides the fact that it’s unsightly, splintered wood also poses a safety hazard. So the quicker your fix it, the better. 

But how can you repair your splintered deck with minimal effort and deconstruction? That’s what I’m here for!

I’ll give you five tips for fixing splintered decks, and if you want to replace your deck entirely, get in touch with us at Dupont Decks for a price quote!


5 Tips for Fixing Splintered Decks With Minimal Effort

The most straightforward fix to a splintered deck is sanding it. However, to ensure perfect results, there are a few steps you should add beforehand. Here are a few tips for the smoothest fix you can attempt:

1. Power Wash the Splintered Deck

power washer jet on home wooden deck - fixing splintered decks

Power washing is an optional step in repairing splintered decks, but I think it’s important to achieve flawless results. For starters, it’ll clean your deck from any remains of an old finish that might add to its unsightliness. It’ll also get rid of any stickiness on the wood that might affect the smooth flow of sandpaper.

To avoid damaging your wood, avoid exceeding a water pressure of 2,000 psi. After power washing your deck, leave it to dry for 2-4 days before picking up where you left off.

Luckily, this step won’t cost you anything if you already own a power washer. If you don’t, you should expect to spend about $100-$300 on a decent one.

2. Bleach the Dry Deck

One of the common culprits behind splintered wood is moisture, which is also responsible for mold growth. If your splintered deck also has traces of mold on it, you’ll need to bleach it to eliminate all the causing bacteria and fungus.

To bleach your deck safely, mix equal amounts of bleach and water in a large bucket. Then, use your power washer to spray the entire deck. Wait for your deck to dry entirely, then jump on to the next step.

Don’t worry about the costs of this step because it’ll cost you nothing more than a few dollars to buy bleach.

3. Hammer Down the Nails

The last step before sanding your deck is hammering down all the nails sticking out from it. This step is essential because nails can tear sandpaper and cut your work short until you replace it, which isn’t ideal and will take a lot of time.

4. Sand the Bleached Deck

Mature man performing maintenance on home wooden deck

To sand your deck in the shortest time possible, you should use a flooring orbital sander. However, this device will cost you about $400 to buy or $60-$100 to rent, which isn’t budget-friendly for many people.

As a more affordable alternative, you can use a belt sander. Although it’ll take you more time, it’ll save you a few bucks, as you can get one for a price as low as $30. Along with these devices, you’ll need 100-grit and 120-grit sandpaper, which will cost you about $5-$10.

While sanding, move the sander along the wood grain to avoid visible scratches on your deck. Go over your deck once with the 100-grit paper, then conclude with one pass of the 120-grit paper to ensure a smooth finish.

5. Add a Protective Layer to Your Deck

To maintain the neat appearance of the natural wood on your deck after sanding, you should add a protective layer, be it a stain, restoration coating, or else.

If your deck has visible cracks you want to smoothen, it’s better to use a restoration coating, such as a protective acrylic finish. This coating will cost you about $20-$50 per gallon, and you can apply it without professional help using a roller. However, ensure to wait at least 24 hours between the first and second coats.

Another valid option you can opt for is a semi-transparent stain, which will cost you about $35 per gallon. The stain will protect your deck from the harsh UV rays of the sun and keep it looking smooth.

After treating your deck with the protective layer, wait 2-3 days before using it again.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Prevent My Deck From Splintering?

Splintering usually occurs when rain and moisture seep through unsealed cracks into the wood. To prevent this, you should weatherproof your deck before winter. You can do so by cleaning your deck regularly and sealing it with a protective layer that keeps moisture and harsh UV rays at bay.

How Do I Know If It’s Time to Replace My Deck?

If your deck is older than 15-20 years and shows signs of tear more than simple splinters, then it’s time to renovate and refresh it. The signs you should look for are wood rot, large holes, loose railings, unstable posts, rusty hardware, and termites.


To Wrap Up

If you have a splintered deck, you can fix it at home easily in just five steps. And you only need a few tools and supplies to get the job done.

But if your deck needs more than sanding, contact us today to get a free estimate for building or remodeling it!


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